Wednesday, September 8, 2010

{july elkwater trip}

{the first day}
{We went down to the dock and took pictures. This is Hannah [14], Mikaela [5], and Louisa [2], together}

{Left to right: Joseph [8], Louisa [2], Caleb [13], Hannah [14], Mikaela [5], John [11], Callum [6], and Andrew [10] all lined up on the Elkwater Lake dock}

{Grandma Betty and Louisa sitting on the dock together}

{Joseph jumping off the swing at the park}

{John and Louisa sitting on the swing}

{Mikaela Grace}

{Caleb sitting on a bench}

{the second day}

{We went hiking up the Mitchell Creek trail}

{there were many types of mushrooms in the forest}


{the third day}

{We went down to Battle Creek, and played in the water all day long}

{Louisa and Mikaela dipping their toes in the creek}

{A little raft Hannah made out of driftwood and reeds. We put an empty coconut (which we had eaten for lunch) with a selection of wild flowers on the raft, and let it drift downstream}

{A cougar print in the sand}
{the fourth day}

{We hiked down the Horseshoe Canyon trail}

{Caleb and John}

{We stopped at a nice spot to eat lunch, rest, and read}

{sweet sleeping Louisa}
{a bumblebee on a wildflower}

{Indian's Paintbrush}

{Wildberries and flowers}
{Little 'Weeza' wearing Hannah's hoodie}

{the fifth day}

{We went down the park again. Louisa at the playground}

{All five boys: Caleb, John, Andrew, Joseph, and Callum}

{All five boys making funny faces} =D

{the end}

*All pictures taken by my dear Mommy*

Saturday, August 14, 2010

[five little boys}

{Callum missed the memo today}
{five brothers}
{from the top down, left to right: Callum [six], Andrew [ten], Joseph [eight], Caleb [thirteen], John [eleven]} 
{barefoot in the rain}